Point Guide


Private chat

100pt / 1min

Multi-user chat (No MIC)

80pt / 1min

Multi-user chat (MIC)

100pt / 1min

Peeping chat

80pt / 1min

Premium chat

150pt / 1min

The charge for a chat starts from the first minute.
Viewing standby mode live image is free of charge(time limited).


Secret chat

80pt / 1message

The Secret Message is the one that you can send to the performer in a multi-user chat without letting other participants know.
Gift points

100pt / 500pt / 1000pt

The Gift Points are the points that you could send to the madam as a present. They are different from the points you use to chat with the performers.




Please keep in mind that you will be charged 100 points for sending one mail to the performer unless you have used more than 1100 points for a chat for the last 30 days.